The home of 'Archiving, Conservation & Preservation international' Magazine
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Vol. 1 Iss.1 Cover

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WORLD ACP&R NEWS (We do not cover mainstream news. We leave that to the BBC) Explore the BBC at their Archive Homepage
With many themes to choose from, this is one of the most comprehensive collections in the world.

National Library of New Zealand and British Library develop new digital archival storage tool
The tool automates the archiving process, is a part of the digital preservation programme of both organisations. It has been developed along with tech-company Sytec.

Personal archive project receives radio coverage
A guy called Glen Monks contacted the BBC program Home Truths about how he was archiving details of his life over the past decade or so. He was interviewed on the program by the BBC.

Jersey (no - not that kind of 'jersey') heritage document appeal
The Channel Island of Jersey has asked local island companies to submit documents they feel would be of interest - for archiving. The aim, to build a record of businesses on Jersey is an admirable one in the view of ACPi, and may well reveal some key intel from WWII when the Channel Islands were German-occupied.

Unlocking metadata holds the key to audio archiving research
The Beeb and Metabroadcast, are researching the use of metadata to link disparate audio and video clips. This will include the BBC Word Service. A useful step forward in protecting the slightly frail BBC Word Service content, as the Service has been the subject of political and accounting buffoonery of late. As ACPi readers will know, metadata needs to be meaningful to avoid GiGo.


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What can I say ....

We are late. VERY late.

The year started off OK then went completely to rodent droppings. But, we are catching up now and hope to complete ACPi Issue 1 before the end of April. Or possibly May, but definitely May.

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